by: Helge, published: Aug 7, 2023, updated: May 12, 2024, in

Regex Cheat Sheet: Regular Expressions For Cleaning Up HTML

This article presents a collection of regular expressions I frequently use to clean up HTML generated from some tools’ export routines, e.g., Typora. A PowerShell script automates the clean-up task.


This PowerShell script implements the techniques explained in the article. It automates the process of cleaning an entire HTML file.

Links: Open in New Window

What This Does

Open links in a new window and replace single with double quotes.


  • Search for:
    <a href='([^']+)'>

  • Replace with:
    <a href="\1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">


  • Before:
    <a href=''>

  • After:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

Headings: Remove ID Attributes

What This Does

Remove ID attributes that some export routines add to every heading.


  • Search for:

  • Replace with:


  • Before:
    <h2 id='what-are-grafana-loki--promtail'>

  • After:

Code: Remove Duplicate Syntax Highlighting Language Attributes

What This Does

Some export routines add duplicate language attributes to code blocks. This replaces the two attributes with a single new attribute that I prefer.


  • Search for:

  • Replace with:


  • Before:
    <code class='language-yaml' lang='yaml'>

  • After:
    <code class="lang-yaml">

Replace Paragraph Tags with Newlines

What This Does

WordPress doesn’t require authors to enclose paragraphs in <p> </p> tags. Instead, it adds those automatically to the HTML when it identifies a paragraph.

To optimize readability in the backend, I remove HTML paragraph tags that are added by many tools’ export routines.


  • Search for:

  • Replace with:


  • Before:
    <p>Text in a paragraph.</p>

  • After:
    \nText in a paragraph.\n

Replace HTML-Encoded Special Characters With Plain Text

What This Does

Many tools’ export routines replace special characters with their corresponding HTML entities, aka they HTML-encode such special characters. With WordPress, this type of encoding is not necessary, as WordPress does it automatically. To optimize readability in the backend, I convert HTML entities back to plain text.

The regex presented below uses a syntax that is available in Notepad++ (regex docs) and all other applications that use the boost regex library. The regex makes the following replacements:

  • &lt;<
  • &gt;>
  • &#39;'
  • &quot;"
  • &amp;&


  • Search for:

  • Replace with:


  • Before:
    &lt;a href=&#39;([^']+)&#39;&gt;

  • After:
    <a href='([^']+)'>

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