by: Helge, published: Feb 16, 2025, in

Syncthing: Continuous File Synchronization Between Personal Devices

This article explains how to set up Syncthing in a Docker container and configure synchronization with peers on Windows PCs. This post is part of my series on home automation, networking & self-hosting that shows how to install, configure, and run a home server with dockerized or virtualized services.

What is Syncthing?

Syncthing is a free and open-source software that synchronizes files and folders in a mesh of loosely connected devices. Syncthing runs in the background, continuously syncing modified files to peers as soon as they’re reachable over the local network or even the internet.

How Syncthing Complements Samba

Syncthing keeps my config files synchronized across my devices. Samba is for everything else.

I’m using Syncthing in addition to my Samba file server as it serves a different purpose. Whereas keeping most of my files on a central file server works great, some data needs to be available locally on my machines at all times, even when they’re offline or not connected to my home network. This primarily applies to configuration files but also to the SSH keys for accessing my home server.

Syncthing Installation (Docker)

Installing Syncthing via its Docker image is straightforward. Things to note:

  • We’re using the image as those are typically well-maintained. Also, there is no official Syncthing Docker image.
  • We’re storing the synchronized data independent of our Samba file server. This is because we set Samba up for Windows clients only. Files created on Linux lack required extended attributes (as can be inspected with getfattr).


I’m assuming that you’ve set up Docker as described in the previous articles in this series.

Dockerized Syncthing Directory Structure

This is what the directory structure will look like when we’re done:

 └── encrypted/
     └── docker/
         └── syncthing/
             ├── config/
             ├── data/
             └── docker-compose.yml

We’re placing the configuration on the encrypted ZFS dataset (rpool/encrypted).

Create the new directories. Set ownership of UniFi directories to user/group ID 1000, which are used by the dockerized application.

mkdir -p /rpool/encrypted/docker/syncthing/config
mkdir -p /rpool/encrypted/docker/syncthing/data
chown -Rfv 1000:1000 /rpool/encrypted/docker/syncthing/config
chown -Rfv 1000:1000 /rpool/encrypted/docker/syncthing/data

Syncthing Docker Compose File

Create docker-compose.yml with the following content:


    container_name: syncthing
    hostname: syncthing
    restart: unless-stopped
      - caddy_caddynet
      - frontend
      - 8384:8384             # Web UI (access only via the Caddy container)
      - 22000:22000/tcp       # TCP-based sync protocol traffic
      - 22000:22000/udp       # QUIC-based sync protocol traffic
      - 21027:21027/udp       # Discovery broadcasts (IPv4) and multicasts (IPv6)
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - ./config:/config
      - ./data:/data1

    external: true
    driver: bridge

Start the Syncthing Container

Navigate into the directory with docker-compose.yml and run:

docker compose up -d

Inspect the container logs for errors with the command docker compose logs --tail 30 --timestamps.

Let’s Encrypt Certificate for Syncthing via Caddy


Add the following to Caddyfile (details):

sync.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
	reverse_proxy syncthing:8384
	tls {
		dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}

DNS A Record

Add the following A record to your DNS domain:     # replace with your Docker host's IP address

Try to resolve the name on a machine in your network (e.g., nslookup

Reload Caddy’s Configuration

Instruct Caddy to reload its configuration by running:

docker exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload

You should now be able to access the Syncthing web interface at without getting a certificate warning from your browser.

Initial Syncthing Configuration (Docker)

Set a GUI Password

In the Docker container’s web UI, navigate to Actions > Settings > GUI and specify a user name and password.

Device Name

In the Docker container’s web UI, navigate to Actions > Settings > General and specify your Docker host’s computername as device name.

Delete Default Folder

Syncthing creates a shared folder called Default Folder in the config directory. Remove it by clicking Edit > Remove.

Windows Sync Peer Installation

The Syncthing project doesn’t provide an installer. I’m using Syncthing Windows Setup to install Syncthing on my Windows machines. It takes care of all the things you’d expect from a decent installer and configures Syncthing to run as a system service (if installed for all users).

Installation per Machine (for All Users)

To install Syncthing for all users (per machine), specify the /allusers command line parameter.

Firewall Rules

If installed for all users, Syncthing Windows Setup creates a firewall rule automatically to allow inbound connections to all ports opened by the Syncthing executable.

The web UI is not accessible over the network by default because it’s bound to (localhost).

File System Permissions

Following the principle of least privilege, Syncthing Windows Setup does not run the Syncthing service as the all-powerful local system account. Users, therefore, need to make sure SyncthingServiceAcct has change permissions on the folders they want to synchronize. Granting the required permissions can be done with the following command (docs):

icacls "D:\Syncfolder" /grant "SyncthingServiceAcct:(OI)(CI)M" /t

GUI for Syncthing

As an alternative to Syncthing’s web UI (accessed from a browser at http://localhost:8384) you may want to take a look at Syncthing Tray.

Initial Syncthing Configuration (Windows)

Set a GUI Password

In the Windows Syncthing web UI, navigate to Actions > Settings > GUI and specify a user name and password.

Create a Sync Folder

Create a local sync folder. I’m using D:\Sync\USERNAME.

In the Windows Syncthing web UI, click Add Folder and specify the following properties:

  • Folder label: choose a descriptive label for the data you’re planning to store
  • Folder path: D:\Sync\USERNAME
  • File versioning: select Staggered file versioning

Windows Instance: Connect to the Docker Instance

All that’s left to do is connect the two Syncthing instances.

In the Windows Syncthing web UI, click Add Remote Device and specify the following properties:

  • Device ID: copy and paste the ID from the Docker instance
  • Introducer: checked
  • Unshared Folders: check your folder named USERNAME
  • Advanced > Addresses: quic://

Docker Instance: Accept the Connection

In the Docker Syncthing web UI:

  • Accept the connection from the Windows machine.
  • Add the folder shared by the Windows machine:
    • Folder Path: /data1/USERNAME
    • File versioning: select Staggered file versioning

Syncthing Backup

The synchronized data is automatically included in the restic backup of my home server (the Docker host).

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